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  • How to find your GoodDollar Priviate Key

    To find your Private Key , go to your GoodDollar Wallet. Click the top right settings icon > Export Wallet > Copy your ‘My Private Key’ It’s also useful to make a note of your wallet address.
  • How to support G$

    How to support G$ There are 3 ways to financially support G$ today, all ways are different ways to donate money to the G$ protocol. All involve sending money to the GoodStaking contract (insert address). This is the contract that send money to the GoodReserve, the contract that control the mintin...
  • How to transfer G$ from ETH to Fuse over the bridge

    How to transfer G$ over the bridge Import you G$ account to Meta mask using this  guide You can transfer a minimum 50K G$ over the bridge from each side Transfer from ETH to Fuse Go to -
  • Where can I learn more about the smart contracts and see a block explorer?

    All information on our contracts and the block explorer can be found on our Github, To learn more about our architecture and monetary policy, we encourage you to check out the GoodDollar White Paper.
  • Where can I see the code?

    All of our code is open-source and can be found on our GitHub,